Friday, February 1, 2013

Introduction (drum roll please....)

Makeup never failed to amaze me. I remember when I was a kid, I would rummage through my mom's kit and with my sister as my model, I would copy Queen Amidala's  makeup look, complete with the red dots on her cheeks and that red lip. I even want to believe that I'm the one who pioneered the "ombre" lips that everyone's been raving about since I would haphazardly do that look on my sister when I was in grade school. Hahaha!

Well, fast forward to today, I realized that I wanted that love and passion to flourish further. So, I took a very big leap, pursued my dreams (despite how appalled the people around me were) and studied makeup at HD Makeup Academy (see link here After the training, of course, comes the portfolio and that's basically what this site is for (with some inclusions of my crazy commentaries). Teehee! And just for the sake of giving you something trivial, I named my site "loudlips" because:  #1: I literally am one heck of a loud-mouth (minus the negative connotation, of course), and #2: I looovvee lovvee love loud, "in your face" lipsticks eversince I got tired of putting on eye makeup. :))

Sooo, I welcome all of you to my world of makeup, beauty, random ramblings and whatnot, and join me as I try to beautify the world one face at a time (or an entourage at a time, whatever fits) LOL!

R (naks! feeling gossip girl!)

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